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NANDI Portal

  •  DAHD is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from diseases and improvement of stocks and dairy development. The Department advises State Governments/Union Territories in formulation of policies and programme in the field of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development.
  •  This online portal has been developed by DAHD to pave the way to a resilient animal health sector in India by streamlining and digitising the regulatory approval process. DAHD Online Portal aims to speed up the process to assess and examine the safety, efficacy, and essentiality/desirability of veterinary product proposals received in the department to achieve the goal of developing a global manufacturing hub for veterinary products in the country and stimulating research and development focused on improving animal health.
  •   The portal allows the firms to apply for and obtain the required approval electronically, track the status of requests through email notifications, respond to queries, and print the approved certificates online. It also reduces the amount of time it takes for a firm to apply for and receive NOC and other approvals from DAHD; simplifies the process for applying for multiple approval requests; and enables faster processing.
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  •  DAHD is responsible for matters relating to livestock production, preservation, protection from diseases and improvement of stocks and dairy development. The Department advises State Governments/Union Territories in formulation of policies and programme in the field of Animal Husbandry and Dairy Development.
  •  This online portal has been developed by DAHD to pave the way to a resilient animal health sector in India by streamlining and digitising the regulatory approval process. DAHD Online Portal aims to speed up the process to assess and examine the safety, efficacy, and essentiality/desirability of veterinary product proposals received in the department to achieve the goal of developing a global manufacturing hub for veterinary products in the country and stimulating research and development focused on improving animal health.
  •   The portal allows the firms to apply for and obtain the required approval electronically, track the status of requests through email notifications, respond to queries, and print the approved certificates online. It also reduces the amount of time it takes for a firm to apply for and receive NOC and other approvals from DAHD; simplifies the process for applying for multiple approval requests; and enables faster processing.
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Our Priorities

How does DAHD help You

section of Preservation and Productivity
Preservation and Productivity

Preservation and protection of livestock through provision of health care and increasing productivity and production in the animal health sector.

section of Development of Infrastructure
Development of Infrastructure

Development of requisite infrastructure in States/ UTs for improving animal productivity.

section of Development of Infrastructure
Strengthening of Central Livestock Farms

Strengthening of central livestock farms (Cattle, Sheep and Poultry) for development of superior germplasm for distribution to states.

Streamling Processes

Streamlining the regulatory approval process for veterinary products in order to protect public, animal health, and environment.

Foster Collaboration

Foster collaboration within the sector and other relevant institutions, deliver policies and programs to drive uptake of innovative practices in the Indian animal health sector.

Development & Support

Developing and supporting India's domestic and international market access and trade.


Required checklist to be filled and submitted with application

  • Basic Information
  • General Requirement
  • Data Required
  • Excretion in milk in livestock/ eggs in poultry

Tab 1

Basic Information

Name of the product (details in case of microbes like serovars, strains, variants)

Manufacture/Import from Country (In case of import – Place of manufacture & name of the country/source)

Justification/reasons for import

Name of the product (details in case of microbes like serovars, strains, variants)

Tab 2

General Requirement

Target species


Active ingredient(s)

Indications for use



Route of administration

Onset and duration of immunity

In case of combo vaccines/drugs advantages over single product

In case of change in drug composition or vaccine Strain-reasons to be given (with proof for justification)

Contradictions/precautions if any (Special warning/precaution for each target species)

Adverse reaction (frequency and seriousness)

Use during lactation/pregnancy/layers/Broiler Breeder

Overdose reactions/ margin of safety

Shelf life (Specify Temperature)

Storage (Temperature)

Vaccines - Live/ Attenuated/inactivated/Killed/ Recombinant

Tab 3

Data Required

Summary on Efficacy claims and study data

Laboratory efficacy claims

Summary on studies of safety

Clinical trial data

In case of change in drug composition or vaccine Strain-safety/efficacy studies related to the proposal

Use in other Countries, if used/registered/patented (Patent details) along with names of countries

Rejected/ banned by any country

Narcotics /any banned substance

Whether it is GM product, give details.

Environmental impact/shedding period and mode

Novel strain, first time Import-Advantage over present vaccine strains available/circulate in India

Labelling –withdrawal period in case of drugs/any other safety requirement /precaution, indication, contraindication

Tab 4

Excretion in milk in livestock/ eggs in poultry

Maximum residual effects in case of animal drug; time withdrawal recommended if any (with details)

Is the firm /trader able to monitor the usage through retailers or is it possible for them to trace back or recall in case of any problem

Whether the product is as per standards given in Indian Pharmacopea-2018 (Latest edition) or any other standard(specify)

What is the utility of the product for the Indian animal health sector and how this product is novel

Any publications to support the claims on the product (If yes, please provide the reference)

Impact of drugs/vaccine on environment / human/animal
